
SILVECO Horse Soap

SILVECO Horse Soap

SILVECO Horse Soap is irreplaceable support in maintaining proper skin and hoof hygiene. Thanks to its properties it facilitates cleaning and preparing for further actions damaged or affected skin and hoof parts.

  • Bathe the wounds
  • Frog hygiene
  • Hooves hygiene

Application: washing wounds and abrasions. If application of other preparations is required, dry the place of operation before using . The preparation is ready for use and should not be diluted.

Packaging: 160g


https://silvecohorse.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ico-przemywanie.pngBathe the wounds
https://silvecohorse.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ico-higiena-strzalki.pngFrog hygiene
https://silvecohorse.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ico-toaleta.pngHooves hygiene